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White Pepper

White Pepper

White Pepper: A Treasure in Ayurveda and Modern Uses

White Pepper

The dried white pepper is obtained from ripe berries of the pepper plant; its long history with the Ayurveda, and also this product boasts a treasure of advantages for those seeking to rebuild their health. White pepper’s uses are to add subtle flavoring to foods and for traditional remedies. So, let’s review white pepper’s benefits, uses, and side effects.

White Pepper in Ayurveda

White pepper is heating, so it enhances digestion and doshas of Vata and Kapha in balance and control. It makes one feel great responsibility towards metabolic processes and appetite. Ayurvedic benefits of white pepper can help alleviate colds, coughs, and respiratory ailments.

White Pepper Benefits

White Pepper

For skin: White pepper is rich in antioxidants and combats free radicals. This makes the skin feel good. White pepper can fight acne and make the skin glow.

For Eyes: Almonds and white pepper have been used for eyesight since ancient times. They improve the eyesight of a person by boosting blood flow and providing the necessary nutrition.

For Male and Female Health: White pepper helps men increase their desire and energy. In women, it aids in regular periods and helps health regarding reproduction.

For Digestion: White pepper allows the body to produce digestive enzymes that aid in the absorption of nutrients. It may help reduce indigestion.

For Weight Loss: White pepper increases metabolism naturally to help with weight loss.

White Pepper Uses

Uses in Cooking: White pepper is very acceptable in cooking and can be used in sauces, soups, marinades, and even desserts. It imparts a lukewarm tingle on the tongue without overpowering flavor.

For Skin: White pepper, when mixed with yogurt or honey, can do a great job as an exfoliation and rejuvenation face pack.

For Eyes: A mixture of almond paste and pepper, eaten every day, is known to improve eyesight.

Regional Names

White pepper: In Hindi: Safed Mirch (सफेद मिर्च)

White pepper in Kannada: Bili Menasu (ಭಿಳಿ ಮೆನಸು)

White pepper: In Tamil: Vellai Milagu (வெள்ளை மிளகு)

White pepper: In Telugu: Tella Miriyalu (తెల్ల మిరియలు)

White Pepper Side Effects

Even though there are so many benefits, it is also important to be careful about the possible side effects of white pepper. Taking too much white pepper causes stomach problems, skin irritation, and allergic reactions. What is the appropriate dosage for white pepper consumption each day? According to various experts, taking one to two grams a day can prevent experiencing the side effects of white pepper.

How to Use White Pepper

White Pepper

Add white pepper to foods to have that slightly spicy but very mild taste of spices.

A mix of honey and white pepper may help heal coughs.

Eye health and benefits are also provided if white pepper is added to almond paste.

White Pepper Powder

White pepper powder is made from mature fruits of Piper nigrum, rubbing off the outer surface of the fruit after it is dried and has a milder flavor and a lighter color than black pepper. The fruit is soaked in water for a couple of days and then rubbed off the outer hulls, leaving the dried inner white seed that is powdered. In this process, one can get rid of the strong flavor and smell which makes it a good candidate in recipes calling for a milder flavor.

 Milder taste: The taste of white pepper powder has a milder heat than black pepper, working well when only a delicate flavor is desired without the bite of black pepper.


Adaptable: Also, white pepper powder is highly adaptive and can be used in several recipes, from marinades, soups, sauces, and flavor blends.


Good for health: Hence, white pepper powder is widely known for its health benefits. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties making it immune boosting and would help a person to have better digestion.

 White pepper powder can be used in many different recipes, and its versatility is what grants it an unassuming position in the spotlight. It can be included in marinades, sauces, stews, or soups. In the following ways, white pepper powder can be made use of:

 Soups and stews: White pepper powder gives soups and stews a mildly hot kick. It can be introduced either at the end of cooking or right in the beginning.

 Marinades and Sauces: White pepper powder can pack extra punch into a marinade or a sauce. Chinese and Thai cuisines use white pepper powder quite often, matching particularly well in sauces that use cream.

 White pepper powder is suitable for seasoning both meats and vegetables. It adds a mild heat and works well with turmeric, coriander, and cumin.


This spice could link the old Ayurveda with new ways of cooking and health. It has a number of benefits in terms of digestion, skin, and eye health. However, it is always to be used in moderation so that there are no side effects. Whatever you may call it—Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, or Hindi—this spice is an asset in your kitchen and health work.